Why Study at UOW Dubai

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Why Choose UOW Dubai – Did you know the University of Wollongong is the number one Australian University in the entire country? This means, the academic standing, student experience, and high employment and graduate rate altogether prove that this institute sits on top of all other Australian universities you may have heard of. 

Why Study at UOW Dubai


So, What Makes the University of Wollongong so Special?


Other than having its main campus in Australia to where students can transfer and graduate from, the university generally has a lot to offer. For example, its large student body of 3500 members with 108 nationalities allows one to experience a well-rounded education in terms of learning and interacting. One is exposed to a real-life setting just like in foreign countries where they can learn to deal and build relationships with people from all walks of life – this being credited to Dubai, one of the most diverse cities in the world.


Some things to note down before diving deeper into the existence of this university is that they are KHDA (Knowledge and Human Development Approved) and also on the Ministry of Education’s list of accredited universities. Furthermore, its ranking speaks volumes about the outstanding and admirable experience of this institution, being placed as 14th in the world according to the QS top 50 under 50 Rankings 2021 and has a rating of more than 5 stars.

Why Study at UOW Dubai

 The courses offered at the University of Wollongong are mainly ranging from Business, Computer Science, Healthcare, Engineering, Information Technology, and even Media. If you have heard of the saying, “There is something for everyone”, well it’s never been more true in the case of this Australian University. Pick and choose from any of these majors and find out what scholarships are available for each stream of study.


Here at SecureMyScholarship, we help assist your application process from cementing your understanding of how to apply to providing you with step-by-step guidance on what to do next. 


This links directly with our next point which is about financial aid and scholarships. This university is very generous when it comes to granting ease for students who genuinely need the extra bit of help. From financial aid scholarships to academic excellence scholarships, they have it all. Graduating with an Australian degree has never been easier.


Speaking of going to Australia, this university has become the top choice for students who want to proceed with higher education in Australia, especially after the dawn of the pandemic. Through means of remote learning, students no longer have to book expensive airfare tickets and manage their expenses of living abroad in a foreign country, all thanks to the shift of classes online. 


The university’s President, Professor Mohamed Salem got the chance to voice his opinion and future plans of improving global education, as a panelist during the Expo 2020 going on here in Dubai. He emphasizes taking advantage of the change that has come about in the “post-covid era” and acting on it. With this kind of visionary leadership, the faculty and students are bound to be on the edge of a successful future and a promising horizon.


Join the community and start your journey to Australia here at the University of Wollongong Dubai.

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Sujay Patekar

Sujay Patekar

Sujay Patekar has a diverse background but primarily has experience in the public relations domain where he has been dealing with a wide spectrum of people either for business or consultation practices. Currently he is working as the Assistant Admissions Manager for the UAE region.

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