Top 5 Degrees to Prepare You for a Post-pandemic Workforce

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Best Post Pandemic Careers – The Covid-19 crisis is still upon us, it’s been exactly a year since lockdown happened in the U.A.E, as well as many other countries. The pandemic is not here to stay, eventually, in the future, it will get over. But individuals need to introspect about what the future holds post-pandemic!

best post pandemic careers

Best Post Pandemic Careers

It is critical to evaluate your career or education opportunities for a post-pandemic world, and it is still not too late to ponder over them. Follow along as we list down the top 5 degrees that will prepare you for a post-pandemic world!

Business and Data Analytics – There is no question in saying that the world runs on data. What we read, write, interpret, everything is a form of data. In businesses especially, data is of prime importance. Data analysts are even more important than ever before, as we head towards the digital age! Top companies in the world function mainly on data, they analyze relevant data and accordingly take crucial decisions.

Moreover, there is a shortage of people with data analytics degrees in the current day and age. And since covid has arrived, everything has gone digital, therefore there are massive amounts of data on the internet, hence the job opportunities for data analysts is immense.


Psychologist – Covid-19 has brought about a major shift in people’s thinking. It has displayed the importance of mental health issues that individuals suffer from each day. Hence, in such times, the need for qualified psychologists has increased at a large rate. With social distancing, isolation, lockdowns, etc, the impact on mental health is immense, and therefore the jobs in mental health services and consulting services are of prime importance. A degree in psychology can be very rewarding and will prepare you for the current, as well as a post-pandemic world wherein people can benefit from your knowledge and expertise!


Blockchain and Cyber Security – It cannot be put into words how much of an impact blockchain has had on the world economy. It is slowly getting approved and has completely changed the cybersecurity landscape. How often are we coming across the news of bitcoin and cryptocurrency? Well, it’s all over the world and the need for cybersecurity experts, or people having some knowledge about blockchain is of prime importance in the majority of businesses. A degree in cybersecurity can go a long way in career opportunities. You will be equipped with relevant knowledge and organizations can depend on you when it comes to cybersecurity!


Software Developer – Again, focusing on the digital era, the role of software developers is increasing each passing day. Especially with work-from-home jobs and social distancing, companies are hiring software developers for web development services and solving the social distancing issues. A degree in software development is very rewarding, but it is definitely not easy! This is why it is considered that software developers will be in great demand even after the pandemic is eventually over. This implies further job security!


Bachelor of Science in Nursing – The covid-19 pandemic has taught us about the prominent roles the nurses have played in order to curb this outbreak. Their devoted and timeless service has made them role models in the eyes of a common person, they are the heroes. The need for licensed nurses has never been greater than before! Hospitals and medical institutions are offering nursing candidates bonuses and higher salaries for a greater retention rate. Therefore a bachelor of science in nursing is a great degree to pursue as this industry will very well be in demand as the world realizes the need for nurses!

Make use of this article and pursue the degree that interests you! Wondering where to start? We can help you! Visit SecureMyScholarship to Know More.

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Picture of Rashmi Kumari

Rashmi Kumari

A writer and a Doctoral Research Scholar, willing to spread knowledge worldwide. At SMS, I am a Lead Content Writer providing information related to Study Abroad. Love Dancing, Reading Philosophy and Binge-Watch on Netflix.

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