Living Expenses in the US for International Students

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Living Expenses in the US for International Students – As a student studying abroad in an advanced and developed country like the US, there is no doubt that the cost of living is high. Since you must be financially independent and self-sufficient, to an extent, it is vital to know how much money you’re going to be spending and where. This article will discuss some common living expenses incurred by international students in the US and how to manage these costs effectively. 

Living Expenses in the US for International Students

Common Living Expenses

  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Entertainment
  • Transportation 
  • Water and electricity
  • Health 

Accommodation Expenses 

For on-campus stay, the average cost of living is USD 1,100 yearly (private institutes) and USD 9,800 yearly (public institutes). For off-campus accommodation, the price for living is approximately USD 450 per month if you are sharing the place with someone; the cost varies depending on where you live too, so a one-bedroom apartment in rural areas would cost around USD 500 per month, whereas, a one bedroom apartment in urban cities might cost around USD 3,500 per month. Ultimately, the accommodation expenses for an international student in the US tend to be between USD 10,000- and 18,000 per year. 

Food Expenses 

Students living on campus are free from the hassle of spending a lot of money covering food costs as they are provided with meals on campus directly. This is more cost-effective than if you are renting privately. However, other factors, such as the availability of food that aligns with your dietary requirements, may influence whether you eat on or off campus. Generally, food expenses in the US for an international student will range between USD 150-200 per month, and eating at restaurants costs around USD 15-50 (per visit). Fast food restaurants might seem like a favourable option as they are much cheaper, but remember that you need to eat healthily. Grocery shopping, speaking to locals, buying organic food, and preparing meals at home will be better in the long run and will help you cut costs. 

Utilities Cost 

Electricity in the US costs around USD 100-150 per month. The average phone bill for students is around USD 60 per month; the internet bills will vary depending on your location and provider. Home internet costs are USD 45-50 per month. Additionally, your landlord will cover the water and utilities costs, but you will have to spend approximately USD 50-100 per month if they don’t. Facilities such as heating will have variable costs that depend on the size of your accommodation. 


Transport costs for international students vary depending on where you live and the general rates of that area. Flying between states would be the most significant transportation cost incurred, but for regular in-state travel, public transport costs around USD 45-100 monthly. Taxis will usually cost around USD 15. The best way to minimize expenses in the long term is by getting a driver’s license. Also, some universities offer a transportation discount, so check if yours also does! 

Entertainment and Shopping Costs 

Entertainment, in a broader term, can include outings, concerts, social events, TV programs, et cetera. Usually, entertainment for international students in the USA costs around USD 100. This depends on what media of entertainment you’re spending money on and the location. Getting vouchers and discounts for these purchases is exceptionally cost-effective, so look out for those! Some apps help you find these deals and offers. Shopping is a personal cost; most students spend around USD 100-160 per month shopping for clothes, groceries, essentials, etc. 


Once you get health insurance as a student, you will be registered with the NHS and receive nationwide healthcare services. Health insurance in the USA costs between USD 500 and USD 2000 per year. Insurance is important because it will cover expenses if you get sick or have injuries during your time in the USA. 

Top Tips for Managing Your Living Expenses in the USA 

  1. Finding a part-time job
  2. Plan by creating lists of expected expenses 
  3. Take advantage of student discounts 
  4. Thrift or shop secondhand 
  5. Avoid non-essential expenses 
  6. Keep track of expenses 
  7. Open a student bank account/savings account
  8. Consider using meal plans
  9. Prioritize essential expenses like food and electricity
  10. Budgeting 

Want to Study Abroad? Get Exclusive and Guaranteed Scholarships!

At Securemyscholarship, we understand that dealing with new expenses when living in a country like the US can be overwhelming for an international student. For this reason, we offer tips and advice so you can make the most of your time abroad without the burden of financial stress. Check out our website for more information and guidance about living abroad in the USA and find exclusive scholarships! 

FAQs about living expenses in the USA for International Students

1.What is the most and least expensive city for international students to live in?

New York City is the most expensive city to live in, but San Diego, California, is the most affordable city. 

2. Is living in the USA really expensive for a student? 

To an extent, yes. Living in the USA is very expensive, but it depends on many factors, like location and the person in general. There are many things you can do to reduce costs!

3. Where do most international students live in the USA?

As of 2023, California is the most popular state for students living in the USA.

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Rashmi Kumari

Rashmi Kumari

A writer and a Doctoral Research Scholar, willing to spread knowledge worldwide. At SMS, I am a Lead Content Writer providing information related to Study Abroad. Love Dancing, Reading Philosophy and Binge-Watch on Netflix.

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