How to Stay Fit while Studying Abroad

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How to stay fit while studying abroad – When studying abroad, students have many new priorities: adjusting to a new environment, handling academic projects and work, socializing and networking with new people, and more. However, your health needs to remain the top priority and cannot be compromised for any reason. If your health is poor, it will affect all of the other tasks you need to get done. Fatigue might lower your performance, anxiety might cause you to lose out on opportunities, and frequent illness will make it challenging to achieve your goals, you get the idea. Taking care of your health does not just include being physically fit; it also includes being emotionally strong. Considering your mental and physical well-being while studying abroad is extremely important!

How to stay fit while studying abroad

Managing a work-study-life balance

It can be difficult to study abroad and maintain a suitable work-life balance. While navigating your life in a new place and building a new lifestyle, you must ensure you do not overwork yourself. Create a timetable that includes studying and academic activities, and then balance things out. Set times that you want to attentively focus and study, and then set aside time for yourself, like going out, socializing, resting, working out, and more. If you are tired after a long day, do something enjoyable and relaxing like cooking, for example. It can help you unwind by focusing on a single task and can soothe stress. You will feel refreshed and stimulated by relaxing and taking a break, increasing your productivity.  Whatever the activity, balancing your work and personal life is vital to ensure your experience studying abroad is enjoyable and rewarding. 

Ways to maintain a work-study-life balance

  1. Reward yourself
  2. Do not take up more than you can handle
  3. Keep your priorities clear and focused.
  4. Create a schedule/ routine.
  5. Stay active and work out. This doesn’t mean you need to go to the gym every week; simply walking or jogging frequently can help you stay fit!
  6. Eat a balanced diet.

Importance of a balanced diet

For students studying abroad, sometimes the lack of a good, home-cooked meal can lead to indulging in fast foods that are inexpensive, widely available, and taste good. As you know, these fast foods contain such a high level of fat and lack the protein and vitamins necessary for growth and strength. While it is true that food options can be limited in foreign countries, the importance of a balanced diet cannot be overstated. By eating healthily, the physical and emotional changes that come with adapting to a new life abroad can be regulated. A balanced diet contains adequate amounts of nutrients needed for your body to function, so you must eat well. Also, try not to skip meals! By skipping meals, we rob our bodies of the nutrients we require to improve brain function, our productivity decreases, and we are more prone to diseases. 

Moderating your diet when Studying Abroad

  1. Be mindful of portion sizes. 
  2. Minimise fast food intake 
  3. Watch out for palm oil. It contains a high amount of saturated fat, which leads to high cholesterol levels and eventually can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Palm oil is present in chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, and chips. 
  4. Stay hydrated and drink water frequently.
  5. Buy whole foods
  6. Visit your local markets.

Physical Exercise 

By incorporating physical activities into your schedule and sticking to it, your mood and energy levels will improve. Working out at a gym can be highly beneficial, as you have the equipment, trainers, and the support of others to motivate you. However, you don’t necessarily need to go to the gym to maintain a good physique. Set aside some time to walk, run, jog, or even do yoga! Walking between classes on campus counts as physical exercise, too. Exercise can help you feel refreshed and brings a sense of accomplishment! 

Mental well-being 

Studying abroad can be a frightening and nerve-wracking experience. You are bound to feel stressed and anxious sometimes, which is totally okay! Waves of nervousness are regular with such a significant change. With the increased competition, deadlines, homesickness, and struggle to adjust to a new lifestyle, students can become overstimulated and burn out. Being emotionally aware is as important as being physically and staying fit. 

Strategies for well-being

  1. Surround yourself with optimistic company: by staying with people who lift you and brighten your mood, your mind achieves a state of mental peace. 
  2. Keep a journal/ write your thoughts down.
  3. Stay connected to your family and friends.
  4. Speak with your school counsellor. 
  5. Seek external guidance. Therapy or focus groups can offer you the support you require and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  6. Remember that it is okay to feel overwhelmed. How you might be feeling is completely normal, but you must ensure that you don’t keep it to yourself. Allow emotion to reach the surface and be uncomfortable. That is the key to relaxing your mind!

Being Aware of your Surroundings

Knowing the local conditions of where you study will help you be prepared for any obstacles and familiarise yourself with the general weather, health facilities, food availability, and common diseases. 

  • You can get vaccinated against any common diseases in your area. This is an excellent precaution to take to prevent diseases.  
  • If your location is predominantly colder, dress accordingly to avoid getting sick. 
  • Depending on the availability of essential items, it might be good to stock up on these. 
  • Regular medical checkups: some colleges and universities offer medical checkups for their students. 

Importance of Sleep 

Sleep is essential for humans. It is required for physical and cognitive functioning and overall well-being; sleeping for between 6-8 hours is recommended every day. Sleeping improves brain function, memory retention, focus, physical ability, and stamina. Sometimes, studying abroad and having to complete assignments or projects can lead to staying up late and compromising essential sleep. Try to minimize this habit and work smart, not hard. If you do not sleep properly, your immune system can get weakened, increasing the risk of diabetes and obesity. You might lack the ability to pay attention during class, losing valuable learning time, which can affect your performance. 

Improving Sleep

  1. Ensure your sleeping environment is comfortable and quiet.
  2. Listen to relaxing music.
  3. Sleep in dim lighting or without lights

Want to Study Abroad? Get Exclusive and Guaranteed Scholarships!

At Securemyscholarship, we understand that studying abroad can be a daunting experience. However, much guidance and advice are available to ease the process and direct you towards a high-quality education and life. Securemyscholarship will guide and mentor you to achieve your goals. We’ve got you! 

FAQ’s about staying fit while studying abroad

Q1. How many hours should I spend doing physical exercise?

  •  This depends on your schedule and capacity. On average, spending about 2.5 hours per week doing physical exercise is beneficial. 

Q2. What are some things I can do to regulate my stress levels?

  • Meditation, deep breathing exercises, talking about worries, and listening to music are simple things you can do to remain calm in stressful situations. 

Q3. How do my eating habits affect my sleep?

  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet can significantly improve your sleeping habits. Caffeine, heavy meals, sweet snacks, and spicy foods will negatively affect sleep. 

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Dipesh Pednekar

Dipesh Pednekar

Dipesh Pednekar - Digital Marketing Manager at SecureMyScholarship Sponsored by Lock&Stock - With 5+ years of expertise in all streams of digital marketing with 100+ clients and 25+ Industry now exploring, implementing and executing more innovative marketing Ideas for edTech Sector.

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